Architectural projects
The human being as a measure, integration in the environment as an objective
Behind each project there is a task of harmonizing lines and optimizing resources to achieve the balance of the multiple factors involved in a project. It is a teamwork in which we coordinate and assemble all the parts of each project (design, choice of materials, distribution of spaces, budget ...) with the aim of satisfying the wishes of each client with the most integrated, ecological solution, sustainable and healthy possible. Contact us and we will be at your service

Building your space
Our priority is always to satisfy the needs of our clients. Whatever construction you need, we have solutions for you. We construct buildings of all kinds, always taking full advantage of the space and environmental conditions.
- We always offer the highest possible quality according to the economic possibilities of the client. Each piece fits with the next so that all the factors involved in the construction give maximum performance with minimum expense.
- We optimize the available space so that a building has the best distribution and a perfect use of every available meter.
- We direct and control the work in everything related to the construction process; deadlines, costs, procedures ... With extensive experience in municipal architectural regulations, we know how to adapt the project to legal requirements.
And of course; always with respect for the environment and the environment making the result efficient, sustainable, ecological and healthy
Click to see some of our

Passive Houses
A Passive House does not consume energy
The Passivhaus standard is a German Bioclimatic construction regulation for buildings to be energy self-sufficient. They are houses with total thermal and acoustic insulation, which make the most of solar radiation and distribute ventilation in a controlled way so that you can live comfortably all year round without spending much on heating or air conditioning.
Passive Houses (ElPais.com, 11-1-2017)
We offer Passivhaus Projects that include

Basic and execution project

Construction management

Official Passive House Certification

We also offer advice on Passive Houses
And to know more about Passive Houses, visit our website
Bioconstruction and Health
"The land is not an inheritance from our parents but a loan from our children"
- Indian proverb
Houses with Bioconstruction criteria
We understand sustainable housing as something that respects the environment, that is integrated into it, and therefore uses natural materials. The Bioconstruction uses wood, reeds, mud, straw and natural raw materials and km 0. A healthy home must also be Biohabitable, that is, free of contaminants that can affect our health, including electromagnetic radiation, electric fields and substances toxic (solvents, plastics, fungi, dust, ...). If you are interested in a healthy, clean and harmonized house, we can help you.
Straw house construction in Chiva, Valencia (courtesy of Okambuva)
We offer Bioconstruction Projects

Location and previous report


Construction management

and we also offer Biohabitability Reports
Urban planning: the material that draws our public and private spaces
The buildings create spaces around them, which are shared. Harmonizing them to welcome the people who occupy them is our job. Squares, parks, avenues and streets exist to serve people

The public space
Urban planning is the planning of the various places and environments in which life develops in all its manifestations. It is the management and use of the common space to provide service to the people who inhabit it.
Harmony and integration with the environment and its inhabitants. Feel a timeless space, embedded. Not only the negative of streets and squares, but an integrated whole designed for and by people. Easy access for the disabled, friendly spaces to sit and chat, children's play areas, with noble materials, fountains, benches, xerojardineria and adapted species ... Everything matters, and we take everything into account.
We have extensive experience in public works. Take a look at some of our

Rehabilitation as the most sustainable action to take care of the planet
Time passes for everyone and buildings are no exception. Rehabilitating an old house is much more than giving it a coat of paint; it is to bring it back to life, heal its wounds and rejuvenate it to enjoy it again. Making this recovery with healthy, sustainable, closed-cycle materials that do not place an added burden on the planet is the goal of all sustainable rehabilitation. At Espinosa-Arquitectos we understand that doing so is the only possible way. For example, traditional stone and wood construction is very reliable and durable, and once recovered with proper maintenance and protection measures, it offers a more inviting warmth than materials with a high degree of industrialization and high energy build-in.

Rehabilitating is recovering
An old building and modern needs are not incompatible with each other. A stone house, for example, can become more comfortable than a modern construction, installing efficient fences and taking advantage of the thermal inertia of the walls. Knowing the vernacular architecture, with its adapted and efficient solutions, gives guidelines for sustainable rehabilitation.
We respect the soul of the building and its environment and integrate it into the requirements of today.
We care for and protect traditional materials. Ceramic, terrazzo, marble, fine woods ... We know how to rehabilitate old houses giving new life to these classic elements. Take a look at some of our

Interior design
The interior is more than the sum of the container walls
If the facade defines the exterior image, the interior is more than its mere negative. Beyond the decoration and choice of specific furniture, we define interior design from its finishes, colors, textures, shapes ... In addition, this finish usually measures the quality of indoor air, due to the polluting emissions from surfaces . Because a building is not just a roof over four walls, the interior is as much or more important than the exterior.

Interior design, the inner soul of space
If you think that the finishes and interior equipment of a home do not have to be less demanding than the construction itself, you are doing well. In the same way that there are clothes that we like and clothes that we don't, the choice of finishes and furnishing of home equipment must obey the client's taste.
But it's not just that. The balance between healthy spaces, utility, aesthetics and the harmony of the whole complex is essential. If you want to dress your home inside and want good advice, contact us. But before you can stop by our gallery to see some of our

Works Management
If you need advice on everything related to works management
Structures Calculation
We calculate structures of all kinds





Installations Calculation
Ofrecemos Cálculo Integral de Instalaciones según el CTE

Air conditioning


Lighting systems


Passive Houses Consulting
We advise you on everything you need about a Passive House


Isolating systems


Construction management

Official Certification

And to know more about Passive Houses, visit our website
Bioconstruction Consulting
We help you build your house with Bioconstruction criteria
and we offer advice on

We help you choose the most suitable plot and orientation for your home




If you need advice on everything related to Bioconstruction
And to know more, visit our website
Reports and Certificates
We are trained to supply all the technical documentation required in any field related to architecture

Real Estate Appraisals
Expert Reports

Energy Certificates
Habitability Certificates

Building Evaluation Reports

Cadastral Reports
Horizontal Divisions

If you need any kind of documentation