Gaspar Espinosa Rufat
(Riba-roja d'Ebre, 1960)
Architect since 1988 by the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB-UPC)
Town Hall Architect in Sant Mateu since 1992
Town Hall Architect in Les Coves de Vinromà (1990-2002)
Town Hall Architect in Vilanova d' Alcolea (1996-2003)
With extensive experience in calculation of structures, measurements, urban management and public works, he provides a different vision of architecture than usual, based on the necessary balance between needs and available means.

Carmen Espinosa Rufat
(Riba-roja d'Ebre, 1966)
Architect since 1993 with the specialty of Projects by the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB-UPC).
Master's Degree in Environment and Bioclimatic Architecture, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (MAYAB-UPM) in 2010 with a thesis "Proposals for self-evaluation of sustainability in building (PASE)".
Master in Bioconstruction of the Spanish Institute of Baubiology (IEB) in 2012 on evaluation protocols for indoor environments
Course on Measurements of Biohabitability according to the German Technical Norm SBM-2015 (IEB-IBN).
Course on Certified Passive House Designer by the Passive House Institute
Member of BIHHO (specialists in measurements and projects of Biohabitability) since 2013 and partner of GEA (Association of Geobiological Studies) since 2012, and member of Plataforma de Edificación Passivhaus (PEP), she also collaborates with the OKAMBUVA cooperative in training and architecture.
With all this training and experience of more than 25 years, she has specialized in Biohabitability, Bioconstruction and Bioclimatic, offering these services from the web Arquitectura y Salud

Santiago Espinosa Tugues
(Barcelona, 1984)
Quantity surveyor (2009) and Architect (2017) by Universidad Ramon Llull de la Salle (Barcelona)